Amazing Folder Password Lock All the ideas and discussions
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Suggest automatic relock

Hi brilliant software no problems - However I would like to suggest that once you open a folder using the password that when closed again it should automatically relock.

Maybe give this option when locking etc.?

Dave , 17.03.2019, 08:20
Idea status: under consideration


USER, 17.03.2019, 17:25
Good Idea.
Maybe that Every Map/File should have the Option to be set the same as another (profile style) and sepparetally. And maybe with the Option to have it Opened (time set by user) and Closed after the Time was Set, and when Shutting Down a System or Taking Out the USB-stick/Flash-Drive, It should be Locked Emidiotly. Suddenly or Not taken out.

Maybe some Time Settings that it Only can be Unlocked at some Time Point, Many Times to do so. Or, When NOT. And so on and so on..

Enjoy! :)

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